Different chapters of the present website contains limited information.
As we go along additional folders and new chapters will be added.
Dutch Pages
Some of the texts in different chapters of the Indiawijzer are in Dutch. These chapters are mainly
meant for the Dutch school children and the Dutch public. These chapters are indicated with the
text "NL".Structure of Indiawijzer
Indiawijzer is designed on the basis of the publication of the book "Indiawijzer". Hence the structure of the book is also followed on the Internet site.
Indiawijzer at present has the under-mentioned chapters (folders). Each folder, where applicable has subfolders and each subfolder has different pages. The information is presented on a "place by place" basis.
The menu (index) on the left-hand side of each page gives you the access to the folders. When the text of the item is clicked, a drop down menu leads to the different sections of the folder.
Index of Indiawijzer
- Adoption of children from India
- Agenda - Indian cultural programmes in the Netherlands
- Airlines flying from The Netherlands to India
- Ayurveda in the Netherlands (NL)
- Business with India
- Cultural Organisations (NL)
- Disclaimer
- Dutch Government and India
- Dutch NGO's active in India
- Educational Institutions
- Feedback
- Future additions to Indiawijzer
- Hard copy of the 1999 edition of Indiawijzer
- Hindustani TV and Radio Stations
- Indian Cuisine (NL)
- Indian Diaspora in The Netherlands
- Indian Music and dance in the Netherlands (NL)
- Indian street names in Dutch municipalities
- Information on India
- Interesting Facts
- Libraries with books on India
- Links
- Museums with Indian items
- NRI/PIO Art and artists in the Netherlands
- Philosophy and Sprituality
- Religion and Spirituality (NL)
- Statistical outline - India in numbers
- Tourism - travelling to India
- Translators and Interpreters of Indian Languages
- University Education - Scientific and Research Institutions
- Useful Information
- Vision for India
- What is Indiawijzer?
- yoga