University Education


University Education  (Scientific and Research Institutions)

Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences - KNAW
Het Trippenhuis
Kloveniersburgwal 29
1011 JV Amsterdam
Tel:020 - 551 07 00
Fax:020 - 620 49 41

Mail address:
P.O. Box 19121
1000 GC Amsterdam

The mission of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences is to ensure the quality of scientific research in the Netherlands. The fundamental research carried out today will provide a basis for the applied research of tomorrow and, in turn, for the practical application of science in the future.
  • Advising the government on matters related to scientific research
  • Assessing the quality of scientific research (peer review)
  • Providing a forum for the scientific world and promoting international scientific cooperation
  • Acting as an umbrella organisation for the institutes primarily engaged in basic and strategic scientific research and disseminating information
The Academy has concluded agreements with sister academies in different countries including India. In India the exchange agreement has beeen signed with Indian National Science Academy. The Academy's purpose in signing such agreements is to make long-term, ongoing scientific collaboration possible.

The Academy has always played an active role in encouraging international cooperation and partnerships. The Academy supports the international transfer of knowledge and science through funding.

The Gonda Fund which stimulate the scientific research of the Sanskrit and other related Indian languages, literature and Indian art history is managed by the Academy.