University Education


University Education  (Scientific and Research Institutions)

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
De Boelelaan 1105, Room 2a-29
1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel:020 - 444 60 09

The Faculty of Economics of the Vrije Universiteit was established in 1948. In 1987 the Faculty merged with the Faculty of Actuarial Science and Econometrics to form the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics. Currently the Faculty is referred to as FEWEB (which stands for the Dutch equivalent of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration).

The Faculty of Economics and Business Adminstration offers Three graduate study programs; seven Masterprogrammes and ten postgraduate study programmes  Students from India also enrolls for these courses. Research at the faculty is organized into 16 research programs. All education programs are supported by scientific research.

One of the research projects carried out by the faculty was in India on the subject of "The role of social networks, norms and trust in solving collective action problems in rural India"