Spirituality and Religion


Islam In Nederland - The Ahmadiya Movement

Islam in the Netherlands
Er zijn talrijke organisaties en instellingen die vanuit islamitische grondslag werken. De meeste van de instellingen zijn opgericht door de Turks, Arabisch en Urdu sprekende gemeenschappen.

Hier volgt een overzicht van enkele van de instellingen van de Ahmadiya beweging:

De Ahmadiya Beweging in de islam is gesticht door Hazrat Ahmad. De Ahmaddiya's beschouwen hem als de beloofde Messias en verwachte wereldhervormer. Hij predikte de islamitische boodschap gedurende zijn gehele leven en schreef ongeveer 80 boeken voor dit doel.

De hoofdzetel van deze beweging bevindt zich in Rabwah, Pakistan. Dit is de enige beweging in de gehele islamitische wereld, die zich als doel gesteld heeft zending te verrichten onder alle volkeren der aarde. De beweging heeft in vele delen van de wereld missies gevestigd.

Ahmadiya Movement


The Ahmadiya Movement in Islam
The Ahmadiya Movement in Islam is a religious organisation, international in its scope, with branches in over 174 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia and Europe. At present, its total membership exceeds 170 million worldwide, and the numbers are increasing day by day. The Ahmadiya Movement was established in 1889 in a small village called Qadian in Punjab, India.by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) He claimed to be the expected reformer of the later days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The Mahdi and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam -- peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to the Will of God -- in its pristine purity. Hadhrat Ahmad proclaimed Islam as the religion of man.

The religion of the people of the right path" (98:6) With this conviction, the Ahmadiya Movement, within a century, has reached the corners of the Earth. Wherever the Movement is established, it endeavours to exert a constructive influence of Islam through social projects, educational institutes, health services, Islamic publications and construction of mosques, despite being bitterly persecuted in some countries. Ahmadi Muslims have earned the distinction of being a law-abiding, peaceful, persevering and benevolent community.

The Ahmadiya Movement encourages interfaith dialogue, and diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon the Qur'anic teaching:

There is no compulsion in religion.(2:257) It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason.

Some Ahmadis', like late Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (who served as the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan; President of the 17th General Assembly of U.N.O.; President and Judge of the International Court of Justice, at the Hague), and Dr Abdus Salam (the Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1979), have also been recognized by the world community for their outstanding services and achievements.

After the demise of its founder, the Ahmadiya Movement has been headed by his elected successors - Khalifas. The present Head of the Movement, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, was elected in 1982. His official title is Khalifatul Massih IV. He has launched several social projects to help poor countries in Africa, and under his personal supervision and guidance the Movement has translated the Holy Qur'an in more than 50 major languages of the world. Under the guidance of Hadrat Khalifatul Massih IV the Ahmadiya Movement in Islam has built mosques and Islamic mission houses throughout the world and is in the forefront serving mankind and Islam.