Diasporic Indians in The Netherlands


NRI/PIO - In The Netherlands

Overseas Indian Citizenship - Dual Citizenship
Overseas Citizenship of India in relation to Dutch nationality:

On 8th July 2005, I wrote to the Dutch Ministry of Justice requesting them to advise if the new Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) would have any impact on the People of Indian origin with a Dutch passport. I am happy to inform you that the Dutch government has finally taken the decision regarding the Overseas Indian Citizenship in relation to the Dutch nationality.

It took me more than a year to explain and convince them that OCI is not a "dual nationality" issue but of "Dual citizenship"; in other words, it is a life long visa for the NRIs/PIOs with some added facilities to it.

On 23rd August 2006, I received an e-mail from the Dutch Ministry of Justice informing me of the present Dutch policy towards Overseas Indian Citizenship in relation to Dutch nationality.

The clarification which I received from the Dutch government can be summarized as follows:

Under the present circumstances, acquiring the Overseas Citizenship of India is not considered as a “nationality” issue. As such application or voluntary acquisition of OCI does not fall under the legislative provision which implies a voluntary acquisition of another nationality leading to loss of the Dutch nationality. If and when some additional rights and/or obligations are granted by the Indian government then the present policy will be reviewed.

Please find below the Dutch text of the e-mail received from the IND.

Verzonden: woensdag 23 augustus 2006 12:51
Aan: 'w.saleh@indiawijzer.nl'
Onderwerp: RE: Indian Overseas Citizenship

Geachte heer Saleh,

Toevalligerwijs kon mijn collega bij DCIM mij vanochtend berichten dat er een standpunt is ingenomen, welke gisteren ook gecommuniceerd is met het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Kort weergegevn is de conclusie als volgt:

Onder de huidige omstandigheden wordt het Overseas Citizenship of INdia niet beschouwd als een 'nationaliteit'en om die reden valt het aanvragen en verkrijgen ervan niet onder de wetsbepaling die inhoudt dat een vrijwillige verkrijging van een andere nationaliteit leidt to verlies van het Nederlanderschap. Hierbij wordt aangetekend dat op het moment dat aan de OCI meer rechten en/of plichten worden toegekend door de Indiase overheid er wederom nader zal moeten worden bezien of het nu ingenomen standpunt ongewijzigd kan blijven.

Ik neem aan u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd.
met vriendlijke groet,


According to information received from the Dutch Ministery, A letter with the above information was also sent to the Indian Embassy The Hague.

The Indian Embassy, The Hague is geared to process the OCI applications.