Doing Business with India


Information Technology

Meru Research B.V.
Hofbrouckerlaan 10
2341 LN Oegstgeest
Tel:071 - 301 4151
Fax:071 - 565 2582

Meru Research B.V. is a consulting company specialising in user interfaces for enterprise systems, web services and hand-helds. Meru assists software development teams in successfully improving the user interfaces for complex applications. It means cost savings, higher sales and loyal users because of reduced training, increased on-line usage and an enhanced brand experience.

Meru's vision is to enable end users to leverage the powerful functionality of complex applications by designing the user interfaces appropriate to their tasks and needs.

Meru team members are qualified professionals with backgrounds in interaction design, visual design, human factors, usability, and product development process.

Meru was founded in 1997 by Raghu Kolli who hails from India, studied visual communication in Mumbai and was trained in management at INSEAD (France). Before founding Meru, he researched interaction design methodologies at Delft University of Technology.