Working in the Netherlands is permitted to people with Dutch nationality
or the nationality of one of the countries within the European Economic
Area (European Union and Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland)
with the exeption of employees originating from one of the eight new
EU-countries in Central Europe.
People from other countries, including employees originating from one of
the eight new EU-countries in Central Europe, can only work in the Netherlands
if they have a residence permit and the employer has a work permit, based on
the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen, WAV). The
application for this work permit is decided upon by the Centre for Work
and Income (Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen, CWI).
More information (in English)
on working in the Netherlands can be found on the CWI website
The Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidsinspectie, AI) is the competent authority under the
WAV to enforce the obligations arising from it and check if there are illegal
employees working in companies and organisations.
Information on the role of the Labour Inspectorate in the prevention of
illegal work in the Netherlands can be accessed by using the
following link