University Education


University Education  (Scientific and Research Institutions)

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Post Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
Tel:030 - 274 91 11
Fax:030 - 274 29 71

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is a recognised leading centre of expertise in the fields of health, nutrition and environmental protection. RIVM works mainly for the Dutch government. They also share their knowledge with governments and supranational bodies around the world. The results of theirr research, monitoring, modelling and risk assessment are used to underpin policy on public health, food, safety and the environment.

RIVM monitors and keeps watch. As a centre of expertise RIVM keeps a close watch on developments in public health, nutrition, the environment and nature. This involves not only monitoring actual situations, but also conducting risk analyses, and developing methodologies and models for policy designed to set standards at national and international levels.

RIVM collaborates closely with fellow specialists at universities and research institutes in the Netherlands and around the world including India.