University Education


University Education  (Scientific and Research Institutions)

Asian Studies in Amsterdam (ASiA)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Binnengasthuis, room 313
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237
1012 DL Amsterdam
Tel:020 - 525 2619
Fax:020 - 525 3658

ASiA is the abbreviation of Asian Studies in Amsterdam, an initiative of the University of Amsterdam. The ASiA programme is a platform for collaboration between scholars from various disciplines teaching Asian studies in different departments of the University of Amsterdam. It is more than a course. ASiA also presents a programme of events focused on society and current affairs on Asia.

These events include book launches combined with thematic discussions and film screenings. What the events have in common is that they intend to stimulate discussion and conceptualisation of social issues in modern Asia from an independent, historical and social science point-of-view. Journalists, diplomats, activists, business representatives and those who are personally interested reflect on the perspectives and analyses of Asia’s experts.

Next to regular classes and lectures, the staff members and the student organisation Farang organise extra-curricular activities around present day issues or interesting topics presented by regional or topical experts. In the past debates, films, and lectures have been held on the Kashmir issue, Indian cinema etc. These activities can be attended by students following the Master's Programme and others who may be interested.

The Asian Cinema Centre (ACC) has an interesting collection of approximately 400 videos and DVDs on various topics from or about Asia.

In addition the ACC collects information about documentaries and feature films including films from India. One can access the ACC database online and search for titles, directors, and themes.