Statistical outline


India in numbers - A few selected area's

Poverty & GDP
Poverty line and GDP
Population below poverty line 54,9 % (1973 - 1974)
35,0 % (1984 - 1999)
26,1 % (1999 - 2000)
Per capita GNP in US$ 457 (2001)
568 (2003)
Share of income/consumption
Share of income/consumption - richest 10% 46
Share of income/consumption - poorest 10% 8
In poverty (PPP US$ 1 a day) 44
Percentage of population below poverty line 35
Percentage of population not to survive up to 40 years of age 17
National income GDP  (1 US$ = Rs. 44.25605) Rs 1,761,838 croers(99-00)
Rs 2,523,872  "       (03-04)
Share in GDP - Agriculture 
29.0 % (1999-2000)
23.9 % (1999-2000)
46.8 % (1999-2000)
GNP  Rs. 1,771,028 croers(99-00)
Per capita income  Rs 16.047
GDP growth rate in % 6,1  ( 1990 - 1999)
5,3  (2001)
Inflow of foreign investment in US$ Bn. 2.988   (2001-2002)
1,658   (2002-2003)
1,462   (2003-2004)
Exports in US$ Bn. 39.8  (2000)
44.7  (2001)
Foreign exchange reserve  US$    4.9    (1988)
US$  38,4    (2001)
US$  69,9    (2002)
US$ 102,2    (2003)
Currency Indian Rupee (Rs.)
Exchange rate:
1 € = 53,38(Jan 2006)
Measurement and weight The metric system
Source : Statistical Outline of India 2000 - 2001, Tata Services Limited, 
Department of Economics and Statistics