Roads, Highways & vehicles |
Total road length in 1,000 kms - surfaced | 1,449 (1998 - 1999) |
Total road length in 1,000 kms - unsurfaced | 1,077 (1998 - 1999) |
Total road length in 1,000 kms | 2,526 (1998 - 1999) |
of which
| |
National highways in 1,000 kms | 58.1 (2001 Feb) |
State highways | 138 (1998 - 1999) |
Registered vehicles in 1,000
Registered vehicles | 63,845 (2003) |
Trucks on road | 2,948 (2000 - 2001) |
Busses on road | 634 (2000 - 2001) |
Registered motor vehicles |
- buses - Goods vehicles - Cars, & jeeps - Two wheelers - others (tractors, trailers, three wheelers etc.) Total |
694 (2003) 3,200 (2003) 8,214 (2003) 45,352 (2003) 6,385 (2003) 63,845 |
Airlines - Domestic |
Kilometers flowen in mn. kms | 187.2 (2003 - 2004) |
Passangers carried in 1,000 | 15,474 (2003 - 2004) |
Passanger load factor in % | 69,8 (2003 - 2004) |
Airlines - International |
Kilometers flowen in mn. kms | 96.5 (2003 - 2004) |
Passangers carried in 1,000 | 4,438 (2003 - 2004) |
Passanger load factor in % | 86.9 (2003 - 2004) |
Railways |
Raiways route kms in 1.000 kms | 63.1 (2001 - 2002) |
Electrified in 1,000 kms | 16.0 (2001 - 2002) |
Passanger traffic in million | 4,971 (2001 - 2002) |
| |
Tonnage capacity (000 GRT) | 6.944 (2003 - 2004) |
Cargo Handeld ( Mn. Tonnes) | 297.8 (2003-2004 |
Telephone connections (Mn. lines) | 76.5 (2003 - 2004) |
External Sector |
Exports ($ Bn) | 61.5 (2003 - 2004) |
As % of world exports | 0.8% (2003 - 2004) |
Imports ($bn) | 77.0 (2003 - 2004) |
Current account deficit as % of GDP | 1.4% (2003-2004) |
Forex Reserve ($ Bn) | 129.7 (on10-12-2004) |
Source : Statistical Outline of India 2004 - 2005, Tata Services Limited, Department of Economics and Statistics |