Art, Artists & writers



Den Haag
Bhaskar Handé
Paviljoengracht 131
2512 BM Den Haag
Tel:070 - 363 73 88
Bhaskar Handé was born in 1957 in Umbraj in the district of Pune, India. Since 1983, he has been living and working in The Hague, Netherlands.

Handé is a versatile artist. He also has three books of poems to his credit published in 1990, 1995 and 2001. His work Your Form is my Creation is his visual tribute to the seventeenth century Bhakti poet Tukaram.

Handé's Indianness is the very substance of his cultural identity in a multicultural global community of artists. His works, which reflect the changing environment in diverse colours, have been exhibited in India and Europe.

De heer Handé is sedert 1983 woonachtig in Nederland. Hij is niet alleen een bekende kunstschilder maar ook dichter, beeldhouwer en grafisch ontwerper. Hij exposeert regelmatig zijn werken in en buiten Nederland. De heer Handé heeft in 1990 en in 1995 de gedichtenbundel Your Form is my Collection uitgegeven. Deze bundel gaat over Tukaram, een Indiase dichter van de 17de eeuw.
