
Organisations also active in India

Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland
Foundation for Children's Welfare Stamps Netherlands
Schipholweg 73 / 75
2316 ZL Leiden
Tel:071 - 525 98 00
Fax:071 - 513 01 47

The Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland - SKN - (Foundation for Children's Welfare Stamps Netherlands) is concerned with raising and allocating funds for the benefit of children under the age of 18 in the Netherlands and abroad. Physically, mentally or socially handicapped children constitute our target group. SKN considers projects from organisations irrespective of race, religion or political conviction.

SKN raises funds by selling special stamps and greeting cards. Every year the Dutch Postal Service issues a series of children's stamps. These stamps are a little more expensive than regular stamps. The surcharge is transferred to SKN.

The first children's stamps were issued in 1924. Since 1948 a substantial part of the door-to-door sale has been done by schoolchildren.

With the proceeds of the children's welfare stamps campaign SKN finances hundreds of projects each year, both in and outside the Netherlands. These projects are set up to improve the position of disadvantaged children.

The main point is that all children should have equal opportunities to grow up and become independent adults with a respected place in society. Where this opportunity is at stake, the SKN tries to help.

SKN does not have its own offices outside the Netherlands. However, a network of international contacts has been built up. SKN has frequent contacts with other organisations in and outside the Netherlands which work with children, including Dutch co-financing organisations like Novib, Cordaid, Hivos and Icco and international organisations like Defence for Children International.

Besides the Netherlands, SKN concentrates its funding on certain Eastern European Countries and third world countries including India. This list of countries is reviewed every three years.

For information please contact Mr Nico Tetteroo, Project Secretary
