
Organisations active in India

De Nationale Commissie voor internationale samenwerking en duurzame ontwikkeling - NCDO
Mauritskade 63
(Main entrance KIT)
1092 AD Amsterdam
Tel:020 - 568 87 55
Fax:020 - 568 87 87

The NCDO is an independent, neutral organisation uniquely embedded and positioned in Dutch society. The NCDO’s core goal is to strengthen and highlight public support for international cooperation and sustainable development and achievement of the Millennium Goals. To achieve global progress in the eight prioritised areas laid down in the Millennium Goals during the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000, international cooperation is a prerequisite. It is also important that the interrelationship of these dimensions takes into account the work of future generations and people elsewhere in the world.

The NCDO advocates the firmer embedment of the Millennium Goals in the human rights as formulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The NCDO is working to increase public support for international cooperation and sustainable development from its own recognisable profile. The NCDO involves many organisations and individuals in policy (areas) and the implementation thereof. The NCDO does not receive any financial grass-root support for its activities. The organisation does not mobilise funds through membership contributions or donations. The NCDO also collaborates with organisations in the Netherlands and Europe that contribute to public support-enhancing activities.

The NCDO’s task is to involve the public in the general debate as much as possible in order to increase public support. To this end, the organisation operates in five capacities, focusing its policy on the bringing together, strengthening and rendering visible of social initiatives. Where necessary, it launches its own initiatives to draw attention to these problems.

The NCDO operates under the following capacities:
  • As intermediary between governments and social midfield.
  • As platform for the forming of opinion, the public debate in order to mobilise different layers of society.
  • As co-developer (in the incentives policy) of activities.
  • As co-financier of activities of other organisations and groups of individuals in the community.
  • As advisor and knowledge manager of methods and techniques in the area of operation.
The NCDO lays stress on the reinforcement of the input of the ‘Voice of the South’ in the Netherlands.

NCDO carries out different programmes and organises various activities. Such as:
  • It initiates school contests and campaigns for children and primary and secondary school pupils (Right to Education and Scope for Health).
  • Young people can meet at the Club van 2000, the Move Your World youth chapter of NCDO and Night of the United Nations to listen to world music, to network, or to discuss with one another about what should be improved in the world.
  • NCDO aims to bring people together in The Third Chamber that have an opinion on international cooperation and who wish that opinion to be heard by the Dutch public and politicians.
  • NCDO has set up the ‘Business in Development’ programme for the corporate sector. This is a programme that renders visible and encourages all investment in developing countries.
  • The active NCDO ‘Sport and Development Cooperation’ sport programme makes sports and development organisations and sports lovers aware of how sport can contribute to international cooperation
  • Annually, NCDO finances more than 35 TV-programmes about developing countries or international cooperation. And every year, NCDO doubles the proceeds of campaigns conducted by more than 350 local groups, foundations and schools that are actively involved in supporting projects in developing countries or in Eastern Europe (such as the Matra/KPA, KPA and Front Office subsidy programmes). There also projects in India which fall under this category.

Bottom two hoto's courtesy Mr Azad Khan.
