Indian music and dance


Indian Dance

The Hague
Platform Indian Dance (Landelijke Vereniging Platform Indiase Dans)
Postbus 10383
2501 HJ Den Haag

The Platform Indian Dance (De landelijke vereniging Platform Indiase Dans - PID)is an association of dancers based in the Netherlands representing various styles of Indian dance. The PID is established to present dancers and teachers of Indian dance through a common platform. It is also open for persons interested in Indian dance.

This organised form is the result of a common wish to have a platform of Indian dance representing the Dutch artists as well as the dance schools. Be it the age-old classical Indian dance form or the modern Bollywood dance style.
The Association Platform of Indian Dance started officially from 13th February 2008. The aim and objectives of the PID are:
  • To organise master-classes, workshops and seminars.
  • Stimulate cooperation and exchange of know-how between different dance styles and dance schools.
  • Support and encourage artistic developments.
  • To open in the near future the possibility of following professional Indian dance courses in the Netherlands.
Besides the above developments the Platform would like to develop and present itself as the official organ of all types of Indian dance styles, classical, folk’s dance as well the contemporary form of modern Indian dance.