The Sociale Verzekeringsbank [SVB]
Tel | : | 1400 or 0475-368010 |
Web | : | |
The Sociale Verzekeringsbank [SVB] is the organization that implements national insurance schemes in the Netherlands. The website informs about the schemes and legislation that they implement including payment outside the Netherlands.
- AOW pension - Submitting a claim
- Payment of your AOW pension outside the Netherlands
- How much AOW pension will you get?
- Bring benefits to a country outside the EU / EEA
- AOW pension Submitting a claim - depends on your situation.
- AOW-behoud in India -Verdrag tussen Nederland en India na 7 jaar strijd [NL]
- AOW voor mensen buiten Nederland [NL]
- Gewijzigd voorstel van wet "Wet woonlandbeginsel in de sociale zekerheid"[NL]
As far as India is concerned as per present conditions the full pension benefit entitlement (minus child benefit) payable in Netherlands will be exported.