Educational Institutions


Schools and Institutions for Indian Languages

Den Haag
Hindi Prachaar Sanstha Nederland
G. Knuttelstraat 10
2552 LL Den Haag
Tel:070 – 367 57 96

Hindi Prachaar Sanstha Nederland (HPSN) conduct and teach countrywide uniform Hindiexams on the level of Prathmiek, Prarambhiek and Prawesh. These exams are also recognized in Surinam.

Conduct the following examinations in cooperation with Wardha (India), Parichay, Kovid, Ratna and Acharya exams.

Publish a Hindi magazine: Hindi Prachaar Patrika.

HPSN has a Hindi library at the Loosduinsekade 130, Den Haag, tel. 070-3644136. It has all kinds of books available which can be borrowed freely.