Doing Business with India


Information Technology

Compass-EMC Limited
Bentaaatshoef 41
4941 TM Raamsdonkerveer
Tel:0162 - 571 110
Fax:0162 - 570 002
Gsm:06-21 88 57 44

Mailing address:
P.B. 165
4940 AD Raamsdonkerveer

Compass is a company active in the area of software and services sourcing and placement needs. Compass has their roots and business experience in Europe and an in-depth knowledge of the Indian supplier market.

For the Dutch company Compass addresses the issues like cultural differences, language barriers, time zone differences, business practices, legal, accounting and administrative issues and other factors that create a gap between the Indian and European markets. The Compass-EMC Solution lies in bridging this gap. The services offered by Compass-EMC to the Dutch companies are:

  • Onsite projects by Indian IT professionals with or without local project management.
  • Offshore projects handled completely on the premises of our Indian partners.
  • Combination of Onsite and Offshore methodology.
  • Setting up and running of dedicated Offshore Development Centers for and on behalf of European companies.

Compass-CMC also offers their services to the Indian company in finding a suitable business partner in the European market.